Tuesday, September 15, 2009

LSC Skate Park

Skate Park Proposal
By: Joe Rivet

Jonathan Davis, Director of Student Life on Campus, stated yesterday that there is no official skateboarding ban on campus. The message sent out by George Hacking was only a reminder of an existing rules in the student handbook. “I think skateboarding is a great way to stay healthy and would hate to ban it.” Davis says.
Davis is a big skateboarder himself and actually plans on making a proposal to the student government to insert a skate park for students. At the very least, Davis wants to be able to raise enough money to fix up the small area skaters have on the basketball court.
Davis intends propose his idea for a student skate park to the student government sometime during this semester, and so far he has met with plenty of support from the students. “It’s a great idea to try building a real skate park.” One skater said, “I’m already bored with the space we have now.”
The skate park Davis wants will cost around $300,000. He is unsure how or if he will be able to raise that much money, but he has confidence that the student government will be helpful. If he can not raise enough money, Mr. Davis is more than willing to settle for a smaller and less expensive park, “Even if we only get enough to repair the small spot skaters have now, I would be satisfied.” He said. “Student government has been awesome in the past and I think they will be a big help again if they agree with the proposal.
Davis is not limiting his proposal to just skateboarders though, he also intends to make the park fun for snowboarders in the winter. “I’d like a park where we could cover it with water in the winter so it could freeze and get covered in snow to be fun for snowboarders and skiers. I think this will set LSc apart from other schools in the area." Davis says.
The only limitations Davis wants to place on skateboards and snowboarders are preventing them from creating to much noise for the students living in the resident halls and stopping them from putting themselves in dangerous situations. “I would hate to see something like someone’s board come out form under them and shatter someone else’s ankle.” Davis says.

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